
MUST-READ: Why Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world

Virtually every human rights group and Western government agency that monitors the plight of Christians worldwide arrives at more or less the same conclusion: Between 200 million and 230 million of them face daily threats of murder, beating, imprisonment and torture, and a further 350 to 400 million encounter discrimination in areas such as jobs and housing. A conservative estimate of the number of Christians killed for their faith each year is somewhere around 150,000.

Christians are “the largest single group in the world which is being denied human rights on the basis of their faith,” the World Evangelical Alliance has noted.

Christians face harassment in more countries “than any other religious group,” a Pew Forum spokesperson told the Star.

Put in sharper focus, “at least” 75 per cent of all religious persecution in the world is directed against Christians, the conference was told.

Christians are commanded to remember other Christians persecuted for their faith.

Reason # 127 to dislike unions: New York Public Unions DELIBERATELY fouled blizzard cleanup as ploy to demand more money from taxpayers

Reason # 128 to dislike unions: Child Molesting Teacher Can’t Be Fired Thanks to Union – Your tax dollars at work, paying this creep $100,000 per year to do nothing.

How can we win the war on poverty? This is a very important and not-that-complicated lesson.  The greatest and saddest irony is that those most vocal about injustice and reducing poverty are the ones who caused the problem to begin with: The theological liberals.

What could be the problem? Well, think of welfare as a cash payment given to women who have have babies with men who they chose knowing that those men were not interested in becoming fathers or husbands. Women are having sex with men and having babies with men who have not married them and have no intention of marrying them. And the government is paying them to do this. The government is paying them to oppose chastity. The government is paying them to avoid courting. The government is paying them to avoid chivalry. The government is paying them to avoid marriage.

From the “blog title says it all” category: Obamacare foreshadow: “It remains unclear if the man would have been able to keep his penis if he had been able to schedule a medical appointment sooner than five months after he noticed a problem”.

Handy list of refutations of the New Atheists – Hat tip: Apologetics315

How does the communist government in China treat its citizens? – Short answer: Horribly.  This should be must reading for any kids wearing their “cool” Che t-shirts.  It also gives me a good excuse to re-post this favorite:

The quintessential example of media bias for the 2010 election cycle – The stories of Christine O’Donnell and Alvin Greene had remarkable similarities.  Why did most people only hear about one from the media and the comedians?

Evolutionists and the Giraffe’s Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve – It is amusing how many Darwinists unwittingly pose as theologians.  Just watch how often they tell you how a “real” God wouldn’t have done this or that.  And watch how often they are proved wrong yet don’t learn their lessons.

More Harmful Actions Planned From the Homosexual Agenda – sometimes I hate being right.  This is exactly the thing I’ve been warning people of for years.  Naïve Christians were too afraid to stand up for the truth and this is what we get.

California – headquarters of perversion – is at it again.  A state senator is proposing a bill, SB48, which will strongly promote the “GLBT” movement in public schools but will cause harm to those who disagree with such perversions by not allowing parents to opt their children out of discussions about these disgusting lifestyles.

Not only that, but textbooks must be rewritten so as to insure the perverted sexual behavior is highlighted if any of these deviants contributed anything to the history of the United States – as if their sexual proclivities had anything to do with it.  Oh, and the textbooks must also “include details about the homosexual movement.”

6 thoughts on “Roundup”

  1. I have been reading all about the union lack of ethics in New York with the snow, but that thing about the teachers makes my blood boil. I really, really hate unions.

    I went through the ATC strike of 1981 – we all took oaths not to strike against the gov’t yet these people felt oaths could be violated if the union didn’t get what they wanted. Reagan fired them all. I stayed and worked and had my car damaged, obscene phone calls to my wife, and threats about our house being burned. When the new union came in I dealt with them for ten years as a supervisor, and it was one unethical problem after another with them. They rarely had real grievances, and always protected the members who did illegal activities.

    I have absolutely no use for unions.


  2. I don’t like unions, either. But I do support the right of workers to organize in order to lobby for fair and safe working conditions. Still, the problem lies in the fact that much of this can be subjective. As it stands now, however, unions do too much that increases costs to the consumer.


  3. “Poverty” will never be eliminated because it is currently defined as “the left-hand side of the bell curve”.


  4. Ack, accidentally posted that too early: since “poverty” has a fluid definition which insures that it’s always present, it will never be eliminated. It’s like trying to eliminate “shortness”: if everyone gets taller, then medium-height is the new short and must be eliminated. Bell curves will always exist with humans, unless we want to run around and turn us all into robots.

    Also, I take slight issue with the statement which implies that gays have not contributed to America. As human beings, they have done so – and every single human is valuable and capable of making contributions to society. As Ann Coulter points out, gays are the highest-earning (and I think best-educated) subgroup of Americans. That said, they haven’t contributed as gays qua gays; they have contributed as humans.


    1. Excellent points. I was just thinking about that the other day. I’ll quote you when I blog on this. The Left never considers statistics in their analysis. They wail about how anyone could be poor in a country so rich, yet never consider that maybe- – just maybe! — the country is rich because it is doing some things right. Instead, they assume that anything positive must have come at the expense of someone else — the fallacy of the zero sum game.


    2. Roxanne,
      I’m assuming you’re referring to my article Neil linked to; I never implied gays had nothing to contribute to America. My point was, “as if their sexual proclivities had anything to do with it.” We don’t care what one’s sexual behavior is when it concerns their contributions. As you said, they contribute as humans, not as gays; just like those who are sexually promiscuous contribute, but not because of their sexual behavior.


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