
Top 20 Pro-Socialism Sound Bites of Obama, Advisors and Allies — Must viewing!

Health insurers are dropping coverage of children – What?!  You mean that government regulations cause people and businesses to change behaviors?  That’s never happened before.

You know those mandates that force insurance companies to cover children of adults until they are 26 years old? And the ones that forbid rejecting children who have pre-existing conditions? Yeah that costs insurance companies money. Can you believe that? Health care costs money! It costs more money to cover people for mandated coverages! Who could have foreseen that? Not Obama and his merry band of tenured Ivy League hermits, who have never held private sector jobs in their entire lives . . . Yeah, insurance companies don’t like being forced to add coverages, (= risk of having to pay claims), while keeping premiums the same.

Benny Hinn Denies Affair Despite Pics – I hope this ends his ministry and Paula White’s as well, but it probably won’t.  What frauds.  Hey, btw, he’s short a couple million dollars, so be sure to send some his way.

“Hey BarackObama, our relationship isn’t working out. Its not me, its you” -America’s Youth

Can you imagine if people had stood up to the Left like Andrew Breitbart all this time? – He does it right.  Watch the video and how he merely asks the Astroturf protestors to explain their signs.  They all scatter!  These “protestors” are being paid by unions.

What kinds of experiences do women have after an abortion? – This is sad.  Post abortion trauma is real, and Planned Parenthood and the rest of the pro-aborts won’t tell you about it.  Apparently it is bad for their business to tell you about how their services will destroy your child and you.  But there is help: Go find a Crisis Pregnancy Center like Care Net!

Obama Revises ‘Declaration of Independence’ Omits ‘Creator’ – but he’s totally a passionate Christian!

funny pictures of cats with captions

funny pictures-BOO-YA! 54,509 ants! World record, baby! Guiness, here I come!

funny pictures-Cat Fact #155: Cats should NOT order in the Drive-Thru.