Innovative health care reforms shut down by the government

As I’ve said before, if you think you have a plan that optimizes the common welfare by modifying insurance legislation, then put it up for honest debate. Just don’t call it charity or invoke the name of Jesus in doing so, and don’t make it a false dichotomy of supporting Obama vs. being a greedy bastard.

And keep in mind that there are many ways we could improve health care in this country without handing it over to the government, paying for abortions and more.

Here’s an example. As outlined at Right Klik: Health Care Pain? Government IS The Problem.  Go read it all. 

 Innovative people can always find a solution. The government can always find a way to interfere. Here’s a perfect example from the New York Post:

 The state is trying to shut down a New York City doctor’s ambitious plan to treat uninsured patients for around $1,000 a year.

 Dr. John Muney offers his patients everything from mammograms to mole removal at his AMG Medical Group clinics, which operate in all five boroughs.

“I’m trying to help uninsured people here,” he said.
His patients agree to pay $79 a month for a year in return for unlimited office visits with a $10 co-pay.
Great idea! The patients were happy, the doctor was happy, everybody was happy, but…
[His] plan landed him in the crosshairs of the state Insurance Department, which ordered him to drop his fixed-rate plan – which it claims is equivalent to an insurance policy.