Recapping some “Christian” Left pro-abortion arguments

This is an updated post that I did on Rachel Held Evans a few years back. Her “Christian” Left pro-abortion views are echoed by many others, so I thought this was a good time to repost this. She has since died. She was an enemy of the gospel, so I hope she repented and believed while in a coma. She had posted some ridiculous things on Twitter, which she eventually deleted. She took down her Twitter post, first claiming that she wrestles with doubts on abortion (read her Tweets below and see how “doubt-filled” she really is) and then saying she received too many threats (I read most of the comments and didn’t see one threat).  But I saved her Tweets for you here.

She claimed she was misunderstood.  No, Rachel, the problem is that you were completely understood.

  • Internet: Here’s a racist pro-abortion statement by Rachel Held Evans.
  • Rachel: [Deletes the context]
  • Also Rachel: You took it out of context!
  • Me: I saved the context, which makes it much worse.

False teacher Rachel Held Evans, who mocks the word of God for a living, had an Internet tantrum when she found out that Justice Kennedy was retiring.  It was one fallacious pro-abortion argument after another.  SJWs lie and project, and that’s what she did here, making numerous false statements and projecting her racism on others.  Here are the Tweets she deleted.

Thread: I’m pro-life by conviction, though my views on the legalities of abortion are complex, ever-evolving, & detailed elsewhere.

She starts off with a big lie.  It would have been a bad enough lie if she had stopped there, because her rabid support for Obama and Hillary and all things Leftist already demonstrate how pro-abortion she is.  But she goes on to make her views more clear. 

That said, today I’ve been wondering if most pro-lifers have considered what overturning Roe v. Wade would look like in actuality…  First, it wouldn’t end abortion, which would likely remain legal in several states.

Yep, we’ve known that since 1973.  That should be a consolation to the Leftists freaking out en masse yesterday who didn’t know it.  Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to kill your children up to their first breath and without anesthetic in most states.  Because love is love, right?  Pregnancy resource centers have long said that they’ll be needed even if abortion was made illegal.

Just like in the past, wealthy women would travel for abortions & poor women would resort to deadly Gosnell-style “back alley” clinics & home procedures….

Harsh truth: You are under no obligation to make it easier or safer for people to murder their children.  Of course, I don’t want to see women harmed during abortions.  But I really don’t want to see the children slaughtered.

And note how this self-proclaimed “pro-lifer” views abortion as a luxury that only the rich will have.  She views child-killing as a necessity.

At least she acknowledged “Christian” Leftist Kermit Gosnell.  No, wait, she only did so in pretending that he was a “back-alley” abortionist.  Big lie.  He was as mainstream as could be and was protected by politically correct state officials.  They knew he ran a filthy clinic.  His crimes were killing children 60 seconds after the law allowed.  Fact: If he had killed them before they were out of the mother Mrs. Evans would have fully supported him.

…In addition, it’s important to understand that the abortion rate is highest in poor communities of color. The rate among black women is almost 5x that of white women and the rate among Hispanic women more than double…

That was her most laughable line.  I’ve written about the disproportionate rate of minority abortions so many times that I feared I would get carpal tunnel syndrome.  I usually note it as three times the rate of whites to be conservative, but she says it is five, so let’s go with that.  Black children being killed at five times the rate of whites via abortion and Hispanics at twice the rate is the only demonstrable and meaningful example of “institutional racism” there is, yet it’s the one that the “woke” and “non-racist” Left — including the “Christian” Left — aggressively fight for 24×7.  

These ghouls know that it kills minority children in a wildly disproportionate way, yet they want higher rates with taxpayer funding and they focus their anti-racism efforts on things like “micro-aggressions.”  It is a deadly self-parody.

…(Racism, income inequality, lack of access to affordable healthcare & contraception all contribute to the disproportionate rates. Most women who get abortions are already mothers who do so because they feel they cannot afford more children)…

Note how the “pro-lifer” believes that thinking you can’t afford more children is a good reason to have them killed.

…So when I see conservatives celebrating the “millions of lives” that will be saved if Roe is overturned I wonder if they realize a significant percentage of these lives would be in poor communities of color—communities this administration has actively oppressed…

Actively oppressed?  How?  By giving them jobs?  By increasing their wages? By giving them school choice?  By reducing their taxes?  By fighting for their rights to defend themselves?

Mrs. Evans, we know that we are saving minority lives.  Those of us who volunteer at and financially support pregnancy centers know exactly who our clients are.  We would review demographic data at board meetings!  We made special attempts to reach minorities!  You are the one fighting to kill these children.

“Christian” Leftists usually navel gaze and virtue signal about racial reconciliation while Christians are out doing more for race relations than they could ever dream of — just as a byproduct of spreading the Gospel.  If you really want to help race relations, do pregnancy center or prison ministry, where it is mostly whites serving mostly non-whites — sharing the Gospel and serving in love.  But Evans et al would rather sit behind their keyboards and call us racists.

…(If you think Donald Trump actually wants to see a population boom in poor communities of color you haven’t been paying attention! These are the people Trump describes as “infestations” & “breeders.” Just the mention of Hispanics at a rally elicited boos from his audience)…

I’m 99.99% sure that’s a lie.  I’ll bet that he said illegals, not Hispanics.   And it is a fact of history and basic common sense that illegals take jobs and suppress wages for low-income blacks.  You know, the ones you take for granted when pushing your open borders scheme to get more votes.  Side question: Why do Leftists like illegals more than black children?

…Meanwhile, congress is working to defund safety net programs that help mothers provide food, healthcare, and education to their kids.

Logical fallacy: Begging the question – that is, assuming what you should be proving.  Leftist giveaways have been the catalyst for broken families and destroying the black community.  The Left is responsible for separating children from parents with the easily predictable consequences of providing incentives for single motherhood.  The impact to society has been terrible: Generational poverty, crime, drugs, prisons, etc.

So when pro-lifers join Trump in showing disdain or indifference to the poor, to immigrants, & to people of color, no one’s going to believe they are interested in saving anything but hypothetical babies…

Liar.  Again, we know exactly who we are saving and who they are killing.  It is creepy how Evans gets more and more unhinged in wanting to see dead minority children and in projecting her dislike of them onto us.

…Indeed, much of the pro-life literature depicts white, blue-eyed, motherless babies against empty, pristine backgrounds precisely because it is easier to advocate for hypothetical, idealized “babies” than actual people…

Aaaand another lie she uses to justify killing actual minority people.  There are entire campaigns trying to reduce abortions in minority communities.  And does she mean common literature like this?  People have paid for billboards with these messages then pro-aborts protest over them.  Note the white skin and blue eyes.  The literature our CPC produced always reflected the demographics of our center.

black abortion

…My point is: I’m not sure pro-lifers realize that overturning Roe will not create the utopia they imagine. In fact, by aligning with Trump & the GOP, they are creating conditions infinitely worse for the mothers & children who would be most affected……So instead of celebrating, I hope pro-lifers will reject Trump’s racism and partner with progressives to create a “culture of life” by addressing healthcare, income inequality, racial justice, criminal justice reform, family leave policies, etc. We can find comm ground here…

Her foundational lie: “I’ll totally oppose abortion once we achieve utopia and there is zero demand for it.”  Uh, sure, so why don’t we legalize murder, theft, etc. until all the societal factors causing those things are fixed?  Let’s just keep ignoring original sin!

…All your big plans for “millions of saved lives” mean nothing when you show no interest in the actual life of a mom of three, living in an abusive relationship & unable to pay the rent, who can’t miss another day of work and has just seen a positive on a pregnancy test.

Once again, pro-abort Evans tips her hand in grand fashion.  If you have a challenging life, the solution is to kill your child.  That’ll fix everything.  Does she think that a woman should be able to kill her toddler for the same reasons?  And of course, we do show interest in those women with our own time and money – though we aren’t obligated to just because we oppose child-killing.

Also, it’s great when crisis pregnancy centers give out free diapers, but please don’t cite this as holistic care for mother & child when it’s the systemic stuff that makes the difference. CPCs can’t address rising rent, unaffordable healthcare, poor family leave policies, etc.

That is one of her greatest slanders.  Pregnancy centers do much more than just give out diapers — though that is more than Evans does.  Remember that Evans is forever “giving” your money away like a good little “Christian” Left Marxist.  And centers always share the Gospel with anyone interested, which Evans doesn’t care about.

And there is no obligation for pregnancy centers to fix every problem in society.  Follow her reasoning: If pregnancy centers don’t completely fix all of your problems, they don’t have value and you need to be able to kill your child for any reason up to her first breath and without anesthetic.  That’s what Evans votes for and fights for.

But most centers are funded by donors (the center where I volunteered for 12 years and was on the board for 6 years refused government assistance because it would come with strings attached) and mostly staffed by volunteers.  Why don’t faux-lifers like Evans start their own pregnancy centers to do all the things they criticize the real centers for?  I know why.  (I admit that she couldn’t have volunteered at Care Net, because you must be an authentic pro-life Christian to do that).


Mrs. Evans boo-hoo’d after deleting her Tweets and expressed her shock that anyone would say that she supports eugenics or racism.  But the Left – including the “Christian” Left – advocates for abortion for many reasons, and one of their core arguments is the “better dead than poor” motif. Their brand of eugenics is slightly softer than Margaret Sanger’s (founder of Planned Parenthood – look her up), but it is just as deadly for the children who get killed.

Being poor wouldn’t justify killing toddlers, so it also doesn’t justify killing children who haven’t had their first breath. And the pro-aborts know that abortion disproportionately kills minorities, so their actions are racist.  To make things worse, most poor today live better than royalty did 200 years ago.  The pro-aborts’ worldview implies that 90% of the world would be better off dead.  But just listen to them tell you how Christian and kind they are.


So once again the faux-lifers out themselves with their own rhetoric.  The number one priority for the Left — including the “Christian” Left —  is ensuring that we continue to slaughter thousands of children per day up to their first breath and without anesthetic – and in their own words and proposals, the more minorities, the better.  And they want more abortions with taxpayer funding.  And they insist that their “Jesus” approves of it.

More here about how the “Christian” Left is loud and proud about justifying abortion to the child’s first breath. They are Molech-worshiping ghouls.